Saturday, September 16, 2006

setup and book

so i'm going to india. booked my tickets today, and the plan is to fly to delhi on the 5th of october, come back to engalnd for xmas, from bombay, then go back until the 28th of march when i'll fly home from delhi.
i figured a blog would be a good way of letting people at home know what i'm up to without constantly bombarding them with emails, and all the cool kids have blogs now so i thought i'd join the party. actually, i do already have a blog for my band, but i've only used that once to post some lyrics and stop people pestering me for them...

i only recently decided to go to india, having ummed and erred about it for a while. but it gradually became clear to me that i'd be very silly not to go away - being homeless, having a place at med school next year which will chain me to london for at least 6 years (please note: i love london), having a job that i really like but has served its purpose for me, and having a whole load of shit to process from the last 6 months of my life - and frankly india seemed the obvious destination. not that i feel i need to find myself or anything, just that it seems like a good place to ruminate, see new things, get very ill, live cheaply, find myself... no, wait.

i feel bad about leaving my family - i'm sure if you're reading this you'll know me and know that my dad died very suddenly in march - but i really think its time to put myself first for a bit, and i know i'll regret it if i don't. i also feel slightly bad about leaving the country when undertheigloo had been planning to record our 2nd album. but that can wait, and it'll probably be a lot better if we don't rush into it - i think we've got a lot of good songs ready to record, but i don't feel i've written good enough lyrics for them yet, especially given the wealth of subject matter rushing through my head at the moment. and i'm sure the record will benefit from some sitars...

anyway, this is supposed to be about india.